Banking business is defined under the Banking Ordinance 1998, as amended (“the Banking Ordinance”) Section 2 as
Anyone carrying on activities defined as banking business in the islands must be licensed to do so. Applications for banking licences must be submitted to the Commission for approval.
Applications for licences must be accompanied by memorandum and articles of association or similar, a business plan and any other documents which are deemed necessary. Changes in either the constitution or activities of the business from those submitted with the original application must be declared.
A financial institution may hold both types of banking licence provided that separate accounting records are maintained or business activities under each licence is conducted through separate branches or subsidiaries. Full details of the application process are included in the First Schedule to the Banking Ordinance.
The Banking (Capital) Regulations 2003 (“the Capital Regulations”) made under Sections 9-13 of the Banking Ordinance define the minimum capital requirements for licences carrying on banking business in or from within the Islands.
Holders of a banking licence are required under Section 29 (1-6) of the Banking Ordinance to file monthly and quarterly returns with the Commission.