Global Anti-Corruption 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that one (1) entry has been amended in the Global Anti-Corruption Sanctions Regime1 and is still subject to an asset freeze, as follows:
Russia 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that four (4) entries have been corrected in the Russia Sanctions Regime1 and are still subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions.
Global Anti-Corruption 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that one (1) entry has been amended in the Global Anti-Corruption Sanctions Regime1 and is still subject to an asset freeze, as follows:
Russia 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that one (1) entry has been removed from the Russia Sanctions Regime1 and is no longer subject to an asset freeze or trust services sanctions, as follows:
Russia 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that sixtysix (66) entries have been added to the Russia Sanctions Regime1 and are now subject to an asset freeze and trust services sanctions.
Global Human Rights 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that one (1) entry has been amended in the Global Human Rights regime1 and is still subject to an asset freeze, as follows:
Russia 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that five (5) entries have been added to the Russia Sanctions Regime1 and are now subject to
an asset freeze and trust service sanctions.
Cyber 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that eight (8) entries have been added to the Cyber Financial Sanctions Regime 1 and are now subject to an asset freeze.
Russia 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that one (1) entry has been removed from the Russia Sanctions Regime1 and is no longer subject to an asset freeze, as follows
Russia 1. The International Division of the Attorney General’s Chambers advises that one (1) entry has been removed from the Russia Sanctions Regime1 and is no longer
subject to an asset freeze or trust services sanctions, as follows: