Ms. Susan Francois

Ms. Susan Francois

Deputy Chair

Ms. Susan S. François is an AML/CFT/PF consultant. She served as the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago from February, 2011 to August 2019.

Ms. François is an Attorney-at-Law with a Master of Laws degree in Corporate and Commercial Law.

Ms. François has extensive experience and certification in AML/CFT technical fields such as Financial Analysis and Investigations, Illicit Finance & Criminal and Terrorist Networks and Prevention of Corruption on Public Procurement. She is a certified AML/CFT/FCP professional.  

Ms. François has also represented the Government of Trinidad and Tobago at regional and international fora such as the Financial Action Task Force, the Egmont Group and the CFATF Plenaries and meetings.

Ms Francois is a Member of the Board of Regents of the Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes (AMLFC) Institute which offers professional certifications in the field of AML/CFT and Financial Crimes Prevention throughout the Caribbean and North America.

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